Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Miracles Do Happen!

Just thought I'd share my joy with you...

About a year and a half ago, my NEW hard drive flipped out and I lost about 1000 pictures including our first home, christmas and snow and Lily's 2nd b-day here in Washington. (We were living in Hawaii where my husband is from with his parents.) Well, the other day, I came across a strange disk...hmmm wonder what's on it? It didn't have everything...but it did have a nice variety of all those things!!! Miracles DO happen!

Here's Lily's first snow (she's so little)...and I believe David's 2nd...EVER! Using Nancy's new snowflake brush frames...I'M SOOO HAPPY!!!!

1 comment:

Nancy Comelab said...

Oh.. I am so happy for you too, Becky! What a wonderful photo! I can imagine your joy when you discovered those hidden treasures you thought you lost! {{{hugs}}}